[Rdo-list] experiences trying out RDO Havana (H2 milestone) on RHEL 6.4

Perry Myers pmyers at redhat.com
Sun Aug 4 14:56:10 UTC 2013

Used the Quickstart and just swapped out havana for grizzly, but
otherwise followed the Quickstart verbatim

A few things I've noticed...

RDO Grizzly has: openstack-packstack-2013.1.1-0.22.dev653.el6.src.rpm
RDO Havana has: openstack-packstack-2013.2.1-0.1.dev691.el6.src.rpm

It's hard to tell which version of packstack is 'newer' because the
2013.2.1 vs. 2013.1.1 makes the Havana one automatically > wrt NVR, even
if the tarball behind the RPM is older.

Is the devXXX number indicative of the tarball release?  If this is the
case, then havana does have a later version which makes sense.

But... what I noticed is that running packstack from Havana RDO repos
doesn't create the demo tenant or import the cirros image (which I
thought should happen for all --allinone style installs)

Then I thought to check the nightly repos here:

Packstack isn't even in those repos, which means that folks can't use
packstack to install nightly builds easily.

All that being said, once I manually imported the cirros image, and used
the admin tenant, I was able to boot an instance.  But, I did notice
that the Horizon UI acted a little differently.  I didn't see dynamic
refreshing of the instance state and the little progress bar anymore.  I
also can't seem to click on the "More" button to do things like launch
the VNC Console or Associate a Floating IP.  In various screens, the
"Edit" or "Launch" buttons work fine.  But on the screens with a "More"
drop down button, the drop down doesn't pop up and so I can't take any
of those actions.  (I tried this in both Chrome and Firefox on F19, both
had the same issue)

Of course, this was all with Nova Networking, not Neutron, since we
don't have neutron in the RDO Havana nightly or milestone repos yet.

It'll be nice to verify that Neutron allinone works for Havana as well,
as soon as we get the packages ready from the renaming.  (Of course,
this means also need the Puppet modules and Packstack changes for
renaming as well)

So, checklist:

* packstack in Havana needs to create demo tenant and import cirros
  image just like in RDO Grizzly
* Horizon seems to have screen refresh/updates and More button issues
* Need Neutron packages for Havana so that we can use Neutron in Havana
* Need Packstack available so that RDO Nightly users can install the
  nightly builds



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