[Rdo-list] Operators and Developers

Rich Bowen rbowen at redhat.com
Mon Apr 27 18:34:18 UTC 2015

I had a very interesting conversation with a large-scale OpenStack user 
at ApacheCon a week ago, who was complaining about the disconnect 
between OpenStack developers and the actual OpenStack operators who 
deploy OpenStack in the real world.

He felt that the OpenStack developers are out of touch with what it 
takes to run clouds in the real world, and are developing features that 
are academically interesting but practically useless.

I mention this here because he promised to block out some time to sit 
down with me, and possibly some of you, in Vancouver, to discuss his 
concerns, and where he feels that the disconnects are. So I was 
wondering if any of you might be interested in sitting in on such a 
conversation, and seeing what we can learn.

(And, yes, he's having this conversation in the upstream as well, not 
just with me. The organization in question is a large one, and has been 
a frequent sponsor of the OpenStack Design Summit.)

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison

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