[Rdo-list] FYI: ironic-discoverd undergoing renaming and official adoption

Dmitry Tantsur dtantsur at redhat.com
Mon May 25 18:07:20 UTC 2015

Hi folks!

Vancouver summit was extremely productive for the Ironic team, and this 
is one of the consequences:

Good news is that ironic-discoverd was approved (by the TC) to be 
included into the Baremetal project. \o/
The complication is that upstream requested its rename. The reason is 
that word "discovery" is overloaded and causes confusions. According to 
upstream, the process we do is "inspection" or "introspection". 
"Discovery" refers to finding new nodes on network, and is considered 
out of scope for Ironic for now.

ironic-discoverd will be split into 2 new packages:
- ironic-inspector (python module ironic_inspector)
- python-ironic-inspector-client (python module ironic_inspector_client)

There will be no changes for RDO Kilo/RHOSP 7. For the next version we 
should be using new RPM packages (to be created and approved for 
Fedora): openstack-ironic-inspector and python-ironic-inspector-client.

I'm still to learn the action items for the rename, but I will start it 


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