[Rdo-list] delorean.repo vs delorean-deps.repo

Alan Pevec apevec at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 06:34:16 UTC 2015

> I was wondering why these two files were split up if one can't be used
> without the other ?
> Can we bundle delorean-deps.repo inside delorean.repo ? There'd be
> three repositories in the file.

delorean-deps.repo is a single file which can be changed when we move
repos e.g. cbs.centos.org/repos/ will be blocked soon and we'll need
to switch to the mirror on buildlogs.c.o and eventually to the release
repos on mirror.c.o.
delorean.repo is a static file generated by Delorean when it runs so
it can't be changed as easily.

> It'd be simpler for both users and systems to consume this one
> repository file with everything we need in it.

Good point, maybe we could figure out something using server-side include:


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