[Rdo-list] RDO Liberty and Fedora - details for openstack-* maintainers

Ihar Hrachyshka ihrachys at redhat.com
Wed Sep 16 17:06:10 UTC 2015

> On 16 Sep 2015, at 18:32, Alan Pevec <apevec at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Create and push rdo-liberty branches for them on gerrithub, we'll do
>>> CBS builds from there.
>> How can I validate that it actually works before you trigger the build?
> As a quicktest fedpkg --dist el7 local should work. I'll look at
> preparing mockbuild against CBS repos for more realistic test build.
> Cheers,
> Alan

If someone is as crazy as me who builds it on CentOS, then you also need:

- modify your /etc/mock/epel-7-x86_64.cfg to include delorean deps as in [1];
- fedpkg --dist el7 --module-name openstack-neutron-vpnaas mockbuild

--module-name is needed if you build from a dir that does not reflect package name (as is usually the case for openstack-* packages from delorean repos).

[1]: https://github.com/javierpena/delorean-instance/blob/706b151dc3e9332643b9bbc01c11573358beb5a7/delorean-user-data.txt#L335-L347

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