[Rdo-list] RDO-Manager "quickstart"

Perry Myers pmyers at redhat.com
Fri Sep 18 21:04:04 UTC 2015

>> What is the minimum amount of RAM you need for the undercloud node?
>> If 4GB per VM, then a) maybe can be done on a 16GB system, while b)
>> needs 32GB
> If we allow for "not very useful" as a stated caveat of the all-in-one,
> then we could probably get away with

I think we need to more clearly define what "not very useful" means.

>From my limited PoV, useful would be the ability to run 1 or two
Instances just to try out the system end to end. Those Instances could
be very very slimmed down Fedora images or even Cirros images.

However, for someone else useful might mean a whole other host of
things. So we should be careful to identify specific personas here, and
map a specific install footprint to that particular persona's view of useful

> 3GB and swap for both overcloud VMs and 4GB for the undercloud.
> It's possible to go lower for the undercloud if you have a lot of swap
> and are patient. It may lead to timeouts/broken-ness, so I wouldn't
> recommend it.


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