[rdo-list] RDO bloggers: Week of May 23

Rich Bowen rbowen at redhat.com
Mon May 23 19:34:47 UTC 2016

Here's what RDO engineers have been blogging about over the last week:

Connecting another vm to your tripleo-quickstart deployment by Lars

Let's say that you have set up an environment using tripleo-quickstart
and you would like to add another virtual machine to the mix that has
both "external" connectivity ("external" in quotes because I am using it
in the same way as the quickstart does w/r/t the undercloud) and
connectivity to the overcloud nodes. How would you go about setting that up?

… read more at http://tm3.org/6t

Reproducing an Open vSwitch Bridge Configuration by Adam Young

In the previous post, I described the setup for installing FreeIPA on a
VM parallel to the undercloud VM setup by Tripleo Quickstart. The
network on the undercloud VM has been setup up by Ironic and Neutron to
listen on a network defined for the overcloud. I want to reproduce this
on a second machine that is not enrolled in the undercloud. How can I
reproduce the steps?

… read more at http://tm3.org/6u

ARA: An idea to store, browse and troubleshoot Ansible Playbook runs by
David Moreau Simard

Ansible can be used for a lot of things and it’s grown pretty popular
for managing servers and their configuration. In the RDO and OpenStack
communities, Ansible is heavily used to deploy or test OpenStack through
Continuous Integration (CI). Projects like TripleO-Quickstart, WeIRDO,
OpenStack-Ansible or Zuul v3 are completely driven by Ansible.

… read more at http://tm3.org/6v

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
OpenStack Community Liaison

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