(no subject)

Stuart Sears stuart at sjsears.com
Sat Apr 3 11:20:03 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-04-03 at 12:02, Dany Gates wrote:
> hi, Have installed RH9 and don't see/access my other HDD partitions (windows 
> partitions) from RH9?
> With other version of linux (knoppix) i can see and access other partitions 
> from there?
> Why am i not able to access other partitions from RH9?
(NB please give your postings a meaningful subject line!!)

what do you mean, you don't see them?
By this I mean, what have you tried? - If you mean, they aren't
automatically mounted and appearing in your filemanager, then that is
entirely normal. You need to edit your /etc/fstab file to allow your
windows filesystems to be mounted when you boot.

try this (as root)
fdisk -l
this should give you a list of the partitions on all your hard disks
mount <enter>
will show you the ones that are already mounted
you probably need to add an entry like this:

/dev/hda1	/mnt/windows	vfat	defaults	0 0

to your /etc/fstab file.
The /mnt/windows directory must exist already. Create it if it doesn't.

A word of caution. If your Windows Filesystems are NTFS you will be able
to mount them, but not write to them. Writing to NTFS under linux is
hazardous, particularly if you are using any of the NTFS special file

once you have edited the /etc/fstab file you should be able to mount the
FS without rebooting - simply type 
mount /mnt/windows
as root.

Stuart Sears RHCE/RHCX

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