About Acrobat

Chris Hewitt g0pae at manordat.demon.co.uk
Fri Apr 30 19:15:23 UTC 2004

mylar wrote:

>It's uncanny. I just happen to install the same Acrobat (downloaded from
>Adobe) on my Fedora Core 1, I get the exact same error and lo, I read my
>mail for this list and there  is the exact same question I was about to
Rather like the top posting quip and:
A: Yes
Q: I hear you can fortell the future?

The archives at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com have _many_ lists, and I 
usually find that doing a search there first reveals someone else who 
has had the same problem as me but earlier. No need to clog the lists 
with the question asked again then. (Thanks to those who look after marc).

>I figured it has something to do with lack of support in Acrobat for
>UTF-8. Okay on the workaround. I'll give it a try. Ultimately however
>support for UTF-8 needs  to be added to "acroread".
That is up to Adobe, but I suppose if many people request it, they may 
do it. The question has come up so many times that I think if everyone 
who had the problem asked Adobe to support UTF-8 then it would be their 
#1 priority.

This is the same issue as the "funny characters in man pages" FAQ 
question in the Unofficial RHIL FAQ at http://www.rhil.net. 
Rick/Jeff/Bob, is this something worth adding to your excellent FAQ do 
you think?

>Also, thank goodness for alternative pdf file viewers like xpdf and
Yes, I was going to mention that there are already pdf viewers. It is 
only necessary to install Acrobat if its extra facilities are needed.

Have fun,



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