Cannot open shared object file errors preventing boot up

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Tue Aug 17 17:35:20 UTC 2004

Graeme Nichols wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 02:15, Rick Stevens wrote:
> <snip>
>>>No. Doesn't run as either root of my mortal self. I ran the chmod
>>>command above just to make sure. The are several versions of qt on my
>>>system, viz.
>>>[graeme at barney lib]$ ls qt*
>>>bin  doc  include  lib
>>>bin  doc  include  lib
>>>bin  etc  lib  plugins
>>>bin  etc      lib      phrasebooks  templates
>>>doc  include  mkspecs  plugins      translations
>>>[graeme at barney lib]$
>>>I ran the chmod command on all of them. As you can see, is a
>>>symbolic link to a later version.
>>>[graeme at barney lib]$ ls -la
>>>lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 17 Jul 14 17:06 ->
>>>[graeme at barney lib]$
>>>The problem appears to be only associated with KDE applications, e.g.,
>>>quanta, Korganizer, Kmail etc. and always the same library. I have
>>>re-installed a heap of RPMs, including all the KDE related RPMs but
>>>nothing seems to fix the problem.
>>>Do you have any further ideas. I don't really want to re-install FC2 if
>>>I can possibly avoid it. Also, can you recommend a simple backup utility
>>>that can follow symlinks, hardlinks and make a COMPLETE backup of
>>>particular directories. Flexbackup is almost useless, particularly as
>>>the man page is in error and restoring files won't work for me. tar
>>>fails because it complains of the backup being too large and bombs out.
>>>Mirrordir wont follow hard links, although the idea is great. cp is OK
>>>except it won't follow hard links either. Pumps out a lot of errors to
>>>that effect, particularly in /usr.
>>>ps. sorry about the delay in getting back to you, but I haven't had a
>>>lot of time and I've only just got the system back up enough to connect
>>>to the internet.
>>Uh, can you do an "ldconfig -v" and see which one of the qt libaries are
>>being used?
> Hi Rick,
>>[graeme at barney graeme]$ sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v | grep qt
> /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib:
> ->
> Would it be wise to delete the other versions of qt? or a sure-fire way
> of screwing things up?

Uh, hmmm.  I'd be a bit reticent about deleting them, although the newer
ones _should_ be backwards compatible.

You can always reinstall them if it doesn't work, but if your GUI
depends on the old ones, you'll need to run in text mode until you do
get them reinstalled.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
- This space intentionaly left                                       -

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