Christmas Wireless - final push today...

Mark Knecht markknecht at
Thu Dec 16 18:21:46 UTC 2004

Hi all,
   I'm back at the (hopefully) final configuration issue left with
this new Christmas present for my son - getting wireless working. I'm
close (I think) but not there yet. Hopefully the team can send me in
the right direction and I'll get this working soon. I have to wrap the
machine no later than tomorrow at noon.

   Thanks in advance for any attention I can get today.

   I am sending this from a different machine to ensure what I'm doing
is absolutely only wireless.

   At this point I have done the following:

1) ndiswrapper-0.12 is installed

2) I have added 'alias wlan0 ndiswrapper' to /etc/modprobe.conf but
ndiswrapper is not loaded  at boot time.

3) modprobe ndiswrapper by hand works. The driver shows up in lsmod
but is used by nothing. (Number 0)

4) Using the ndiswrapper installation instructions at

I can do the following:

iwconfig    (shows wlan0)

iwlist wlan0 scan  (shows my ESSID:"146clover", Mode managed, etc.)

iwconfig wlan0 key restricted (24-bit XXYYXXYYXXYYXXYY)

ifconfig wlan0 up 

At this point I've had no error messages, but if I do ifconfig I do
not see wlan0 listed.

The install page shows a command 'dhclient wlan0'. When I try this
command I get a whole string of messages over the period of 1-2
minutes, ending in No DHCPOFFERS received, and then a message:

/sbin/dhclient-script: configuration for wlan0 not found.

I do not have the above ESSID, key, etc., in any files yet. So
possibly that is my issue here?

I'm going to blast this off now to see if I get an early response back
from the list. I'll keep working on this until about 3PM today and
will start up at 8AM tomorrow if I'm not successful today.

Thanks in advance,

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