OT:Apache question

Chris Hewitt g0pae at manordat.demon.co.uk
Sat Feb 21 16:13:55 UTC 2004

Mark Knecht wrote:

>On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 06:55, Chris Hewitt wrote:
>>Looking at your original post, you have a single site. The virtualhost 
>>directives are not needed for this so if you don't want to get deep into 
>>Apache httpd administration you may like to avoid using them. They are 
>>all commented out by default.
>>I don't have a commonapache2.conf file either. I've never heard of it so 
>>I would think it is a customisation someone has put in.
>>Rick's single "Alias" line should be all you need.
>   Hi. With some of Rick's suggestions I sort of have it working, but
>not totally. I can see things correctly (sort of) when sitting on the
>machine running Apache, but if I go to another machine on the network
>here in my house it only partially works. I am using Rick's suggestion
>about the Alias. Here's the portion of apache2.conf that I modified:
>Alias /files "/mnt/data/webfiles"
>    <Directory "/mnt/data/webfiles">
>            Options Indexes FollowSymlinks MultiViews
>            AllowOverride None
>            Order allow,deny
>            Allow from all
>    </Directory>
>Here are the results:
>>From the server:
>1) Test- Access http://marksmusic.myvnc.com
>Result - address bar says http://marksmusic.myvnc.com and the page
>displays correctly.
>2) Test- Access http://marksmusic.myvnc.com/files
>Result - address bar changes to http://wizard.knechthome.com/files/ but
>the directory listing displays correctly. I can go so subdirectories and
>I can download files. It only works (I think) because I have
>wizard.knechthome.com in my hosts file.
>>From another machine here at home:
>3) Test- Access http://marksmusic.myvnc.com
>Result - address bar says http://marksmusic.myvnc.com and the page
>displays correctly.
>4) Test- Access http://marksmusic.myvnc.com/files
>Result - Page fails to display and I get a message
>"http://wizard.knechthome.com/files/ not found"
>So, the results are consistently incorrect. Why does Apache insist on
>remapping the name I as for ONLY when I append the directory name?
>   I think Rick's suggestion about <Virtual *> would probably fix this,
>and I'm looking around for where to best put that, but it seems to me
>something is set up incorrectly elsewhere causing this remapping of the
>name to a local name instead of the myvnc.com address that would work
>for all machines coming to this machine.

Interesting. I think we need to find why its coming up with 
http://wizard.knechthome.com/files/ . As you suggest, it may be a 
difference because you have this in the local host file but not in dns. 
Can you remove it for a test and see what happens?

Have you got the Alias and Directory lines in the main part of the 
httpd.conf file now (by that I mean not in a VirtualHost section)?

I'll try doing something similar here on my Fedora Core 1 and let you 
know what I get.



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