SSL session on Apache

John Strunk jstrunk at
Wed Feb 25 18:22:38 UTC 2004

I recently saw a thread on this list about installing SSL access on 
Apache.  Not sure of all the details but I find myself with a problem 
upgrading a server from rel 8 to rel 9.  The rel 8 system has apache 
running with both non ssl access and ssl access, no problems.  When I 
built a test host with rel 9 and apache using the same httpd.conf and 
ssl.conf files I am unable to start httpd. I get the following error:
    Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not 
bind to address no listening sockets available, shuting down

Was this covered? If so where can I find the fix?  If not has anyone got 
any ideas on how to remidy the situation?


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