brad.mugleston at comcast.net brad.mugleston at comcast.net
Thu Jul 1 00:18:34 UTC 2004

My son just purchased a new PC - it's running windows XP home (or 
something like that) he wants to be able to connect to his 
machine here at home and my machine (running Red Hat 9).  At 
school his apartment has a wireless linksys connection to the 
internet and here at home we have a wired linksys.

I'm thinking he will need VPN and something to let him view the 
remote screen.  

I would also like it to go the other way so I can help him with 
computer problems - I don't know much but do better than he does 
some times.

Suggestions on what software we should get?



Brad Mugleston, KI0OT

There are 10 types of people in this world.  Those that 
understand binary and those that don't.

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