DNS slave servers [WAS Re: Umask and redhat (updated)]

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Fri Jul 23 16:42:56 UTC 2004

Andrew Kelly wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-07-20 at 19:12, Rick Stevens wrote:
>>Ah, but it'll win you bets in the local bar!
> I gave up bars years ago, but I'm always good for a bet.
>>>>take you up in the '64 Piper Comanche 180.  See:
>>>If I were withing 5 hours of you, I'd already be on the way.
>>>>	http://www.rhil.net/docs/N8365P.jpeg
>>>Sexy ride. But what's that funny spinny thing on the nose?
>>Well, since you're in Germany, I figured you should see what the BMW
>>logo is based on and how it works.  Thhhhpt!
> OK, I get the bowel movement part, but what's the W for?
> <snark>

Heheheh!  I meant the prop analogy.
>>>I only have 39 starts and 7 hours of stick time, but I don't recall any
>>>moving parts up front. 
>>Oh, so you're a kerosene pusher.  One power control.  Wimp!  I've got
>>THREE!  Add in manual flaps and retractable gear and landings are busy
> Wrong direction, you noisy fossile fuel burning person. Gravity is my
> throttle. I ride the wind! I am king of the [whack!]..
> sorry.

Ah, a sailplane guy.  You've obviously not been in a Grob.

>>We can do that.  We have something called "VitalDNS", which is a widely
>>deployed, heavily redundant DNS with servers in Los Angeles, CA, Irvine,
>>CA and Ashburn, VA (outside of Washington D.C.).  I'm not 100% certain
>>we offer this as a stand-alone service, but you can email our sales gang
>>at sales at vitalstream.com and they'll see what they can do.  I've already
>>alerted them to expect your message.  No obligation.
> <cough, choke, wheez>
> Et tu, Brute?
> Thanks, but for commercial solutions I already have enough sources. 
> I'm only talking about 5 zone files, which contain less than 10 hosts
> total. I was thinking about a one-hand-washes-the-other kind of thing.
> Thanks for the effort, though.

I'd comp you if I could, but can't sneak that one in.  We use a system
we wrote that uses a database instead of zone files.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
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-           Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.            -

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