Kickstart error

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Mon Jun 28 18:08:49 UTC 2004

Jean-Christophe Valiere wrote:
>   Hello,
>   I'm trying to install a RedHat Enterprise 3 with kickstart and nfs.
>   I created a boot floppy with syslinux which contain the
> vmlinuz-2.4.21-15.ELBOOT (renamed of counse). And I created my own initrd.img
> which contain only the modules I need from /lib/modules/2.4.21-15.ELBOOT. When
> the server boot it loads the vmlinuz and initrd.img successfully and ask me
> some question like the keyboard configuration, language etc...
>   First I don't want the install to ask me these question how can I do taht.

You have to set up the kickstart control file.  In it, you can control
pretty much everything kickstart does including language, keyboard,
installation method, partitioning, you name it.

Red Hat includes the program "redhat-config-kickstart" to help you
create this file.  Then you boot off the floppy and use the new
kickstart config file.

>   Then I aswer to install over nfs and if ask me the driver. When I choose them
> they are loaded successfully and it can mount nfs repository where the linux
> source are. But it fails with the following error:
>    The anaconda installation tree in that directory doesn't seem to match your
> boot media.
> If I swith the screen with Alt-F3, I see that:
> * mounted IP:/space/rhel3as on /mnt/source
> * can access stage2.img
> * mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/RedHat/base/stage2.img fs is 17
> * unmounting loopback /mnt/runtime loop0
> * after mountStage2, rc is -1
> * not the right one
> Does any body know where I am wrong ??

Anaconda (the installer) wants image names (blah.iso) that match what
it's trying to install EXACTLY.  If you renamed the .iso files at all,
your install will fail.

> Thanks in advance

- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-   Whoever said "Money can't buy friends" obviously never brought   -
-                        donuts to the office.                       -

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