Getting Apache to play 'nice'

Mark Knecht mknecht at
Thu Mar 4 22:24:45 UTC 2004

Bob McClure Jr wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 04, 2004 at 10:21:56AM -0800, Waldher, Travis R wrote:

>>What type of machine and how much memory?

Athlon XP 2600+ with 512MB of memory.

>>>From the words of engine builders...
>>"There is no replacement for displacement"
> Umm, wouldn't the limiting factor more likely be the size of the pipe,
> i.e. bandwidth?  You might need to tune Apache to throttle its
> downloads.  I think that's possible but can't tell you how.

The size of the pipe is just 2Mb/S, 256Kb/S upstream cable modem. Since 
the download bandwidth from Apache is going to be in the 256Kb/S 
direction there isn't a huge amount of bits/second we're dealing with 
here. (It's just a home connection...)

However, and clearly, no matter what the size of the pipe you could 
always construct a test case that would run into this issue. If you have 
100Mb/S and I ask for very big files, you'll still want to give them to 
me, so I'm almost sure there must be a solution.

Does anyone know how to tune Apache this way?

> The other solution, of course is, "Don't do that." :-)

Ouch doctor!! That hurts!

> Cheers,

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