openssl install question

Jim Hayward jimhayward at
Thu Mar 25 16:11:34 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 19:54, rmck wrote:
> I have a redhat WS 3.0 system that is running openssl with custom mysql install.
> There was just a rpm update/patch from redhat for openssl. I applied that and mysql/openssl connections seem fine.
> But my question is do I need to recomplie mysql to use the patched openssl????

No, you do not have to recompile MySQL.

One of Red Hat's policies for years when it comes to updates has been to
maintain binary compatibility when releasing updates. This is why you
see them back-port patches instead of upgrading to a new version of a
package even when one is available. This policy is of even more
importance with regards to the RHEL line of products. However Red Hat
has, for the most part, dropped this policy when it comes to Fedora. :-P
If a new errata release did break compatibility Red Hat would be forced
to release updates for every package that compiled/linked against the
new release. Plus Red Hat also would have to spend the time validating
all of those new packages. This is something they really try to avoid.
It costs money and it takes longer to get updates released. How long it
takes to get updates released can be very important when the update
concerns security related issues.

	Jim H
Jim Hayward <jimhayward at>
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