xdpyinfo | grep RENDER question

Mark Knecht mknecht at controlnet.com
Mon May 3 21:04:06 UTC 2004

Rick Stevens wrote:
>>    Should we possibly update the ssh tunneling page we did to reflect 
>> this change as of openssh-3.8?
> Absolutely!  You don't even need to ask.  Will you handle it or do you
> want me to?

Either way. It's probably only a line or two. I don't have access to the 
server so you or someone else would have to add it, but I'd be happy to 
write some text. In fact maybe just a note more or less like this:

NOTE: Since the release of openssh Ver 3.8 a standard ssh tunnel opened 
with the command

ssh -X -C -c blowfish -l user  target-address

no longer allows high speed rendering on the remote display. to enable 
high speed rending on the remote display add the '-Y' option to your 
command line and shown here:

ssh -X -Y -C -c blowfish -l user  target-address

-Y tells the ssh program that the target-address is a trusted X11 source.

Use this option to eliminate the message:

Xlib: extension "RENDER" missing on display "localhost:10:0"

As an option there is an option (possibly undocumented at this time) 
that allows you to place the line

ForwardX11Trusted yes

in your local /etc/ssh/ssh_config file to tell ssh that all X11 targets 
are trusted. I don't recommend using it as the -Y option is very easy, 
but it is there if you need it.

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