Package dependencies

Sparkes, David David.Sparkes at
Mon Nov 1 16:57:41 UTC 2004

I'm trying to install additional (java) packages for eclipse, but my
question is relevant for every package.

I've downloaded the packages from RHN and many of them are giving me the
same dependency.  Here is an example:

error: Failed dependencies:
        eclipse-ui = 3.0.0-22 is needed by eclipse-jdt-3.0.0-22

I resolved the other dependencies by downloading the appropriate
packages, but cannot find this package.

A) What is the best way to find this package?
B) Is there a package management system that circumvents the rather
cumbersome method of manually downloading individual packages and
manually resolving dependencies, in the way that apt-get does for
Debian, for instance?

I'm using the x86 version of Redhat Enterprise Linux WS.  I believe it's
version 3.1



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