configuring an ADSL connexion

othman El Moulat moulatm at
Fri Oct 8 10:47:22 UTC 2004

Many thanks to Daniel for the link (eagle usb):it was very helpful...
but still i can't get my adsl conn to work : accessing the web from my RH
system is a real nightmare :-(
i followed the installing instructions to install the eagle-usb driver..
  # make
  #make install
at this point it seems that all is ok
but i'm stuck at the third step which consists of configuring the conn: i
 # eagleconfig
i had a list of networks corresponding to different countries...but i
couldn't find a network for my own country: Morocco...
i don't know which network to choose from the proposed list...I have a sagem
fast800 modem 128K as hardware...
should i for example add the DNS for my ISP ? how ?

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