Need Help Installing RH8 on Laptop

J. Refugio Rodriguez mezitli at
Fri Sep 17 18:58:56 UTC 2004

Good morning!

I have an IBM T40 laptop and experienced the same problem as the user 
referenced above.

I resolved the problem by downloading a newer kernel rpm from:

Download the appropriate kernel rpm, depending on the CPU that the user 
has, athlon, i586, or i686.

I downloaded APPLICABLE file to a fat32 partition since in rescue mode 
HPFS, or NTFS were not able to mount  (I use mostly OS/2's HPFS file 

Although, more knowledgeable users might patch the kernel, I found it 
easier to replace it at once and find out if it was the solution to my 
Red Hat Fedora partition not booting.

After using the installation CD to boot in rescue mode by typing: linux 
rescue, I ended up in a command prompt after some initial language 
dialogs.  Subsequently I typed:
chroot /mnt/sysimage  and proceeded to mount the fat32 partition that 
contained the downloaded rpm: mnt -t vfat /dev/hd? /mnt/hd? where the ? 
specifies what partition a user is mounting after making the desired 
direcory under /mnt.

I proceed to bring over the kernel RPM to my Linux /tmp partition.  I 
typed the following to replace the kenel module and update the grub 
configuration file at the same time: rpm -Uvh --nodeps 

The --nodeps option ignored 5 or 6 dependency nags and installed the 
newer kernel in my machine.  For the user, please replace the specific 
CPU string (686) in the example above.
My Red Hat 8.0 Fedora has no problems booting now--the dependency nags 
can be fixed afterwards.

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