XMMS Not Working with MP3 files

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Fri Sep 17 23:42:36 UTC 2004

Kostas Sfakiotakis wrote:
> Jeff Kinz wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 01:28:09AM +0300, Kostas Sfakiotakis wrote:
>>> Rick Stevens wrote:
>>>> By the way, there is no such animal as Red Hat Linux 9.0.  It is
>>>> RedHat Linux 9 (no ".0").
>>> Rick , if i recall well you have said that before and it is
>>> Suse Linux 9.0 and Redhat Linux 9 , it is just a difference
>>> in the trademarks stuff .
>> Like the badging difference between A Chevy and Buick in the 1970's?
> Aren't those car models ?

Actually, in the 70s throught the 90s, most General Motors products were
rebadges of the same car with Chevy and Buick bearing the most
simularities.  Ford does the same thing between the Ford and Mercury
product lines.

And, of course, Chrysler had the spectacularly ugly "K" cars in the late
70s which they shared among Chrysler, Dodge, and Plymouth.  GAWD they
were homely!  Yeeeech!

>> No.
>> Firstly, There is no content/feature correlation between RH 9 and Suse 
>> 9.0.
>> Secondly, RH made a distinct decision to use the "9" with no decimal
>> point to indicate that there would be NO point release for "RH 9",
>> ever, end of story.
> The last point release , whatever that means, was
> Valhalla  Redhat 7.3 i think

No.  The last "point" releases were 8.0 for the desktop (called
"psyche") and ES and AS 2.1 (based on Red Hat Linux 7.2 and called

>   This marked the beginning of RedHat's new sales
>> models starting with the new enterprise products and the "end" of
>> desktop products.  
> Totaly clueless about sales models and such stuff .

They don't release "free" workstation or server products under the Red
Hat name any longer.  The server products are AS3 (advanced server, up
to 8 processors), ES3 (enhanced server, up to two processors), and EWS3
(enhanced workstation, up to two processors).  ES and AS are called
"taroon," I'm not sure what EWS3 is called.  Most likely it's also
"taroon," since it's the same code base.

All free Red Hat products are now the Fedora Core products.  FC1 was
originally going to be Red Hat Linux 10.  Proven Fedora stuff will be
rolled into the commercial products as time rolls on.  We Fedora users
are essentially experimental hamsters.  That's OK, FC1 and FC2 work
quite well.  FC1 is called "yarrow" and FC2 is called "tettnang".

>> (of course it turned out it wasn't the end, was it. :-)  )
> O.K. Thank's for the correction Jeff .
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
-                                                                    -
-  Memory is the second thing to go, but I can't remember the first! -

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