Info on FC please

Nathan Andrews nandrews at
Thu Aug 4 19:57:25 UTC 2005

>>> gerrynix at 8/4/05 3:42:31 PM >>>
Hello all,

Which is the latest, and "stable" version of FC, suitable for a small
server? How viable is this in regards to longevity, without need for
frequent updates and/or version upgrades? Is it better to considering
of a supported version? 

I believe there is a specific "FC" list, but I am unsure how to join.
checked the RH site.

Which are favored download sites for FC?

Currently, Fedora Core 4 is in release. It's very stable, and works
quite well.

There are still a lot of updates coming out for FC3 and FC4, and
they're pretty regular.

If you want a longer release cycle, with a slower frequency of updates
(and updates less likely to break the machine), you would probably be
better off with a supported RedHat product

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