Wireless Help

brad.mugleston at comcast.net brad.mugleston at comcast.net
Fri Dec 2 23:33:17 UTC 2005

I've got FC2 running on a Dell Latitude and just got a Linksys
wireless card for it.  I can't get the computer to talk to my
Linksys wireless router

I've installed ndiswrapper 1.6 and it seems to be working OK.

basic commands as going through the setup are:

ndiswrapper -l
net8180 driver present, hardware present

modprobe ndiswrapper
nothing displayed

ndiswrapper: version 1.6 loaded

The lights are on as they should be

two warnings
1 - driver for device wlan0 has been complied with version 17 of
wireless extension, while this program is using version 16.  Some
things may be broken....

2 - Driver for device wlan0 recommended version 18 of wireless
extension, buthas been compoied with version 17, theefore some
driver features may not be available...

wlan0 -- this looks good,
ESSID is correct for my system
Frequency and Access point look good
Link Quality 100/100
Signal level -61dBm
Noise level -256 dBm

iwlist wlan0 scan finds my router OK Mode is Managed and
Encryption key is off. Quality here is 0/100

ifconfig wlan0 up returns nothing

dhclient wlan0 - does a lot of things and ends up with
No DHCPOFFERS received
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
/sbin/dchlient-script: configuration for wlan0 not found

then it says to put ndiswrapper in the /etc/modules file but I
don't have that file on my machine, should I just add it?

When I ping my router I get the message
connect:Network is unreachable

OK for the router side.
Very simple setup. The only security is a wireless MAC filter and
even with that off I can't talk.

Yesterday, my notebook MAC address was showing up on the "ACTIVE"
list, now it's not.

So two things - I can't get my install saved and for some reason
I can't get on the network.

It may be my warnings but so far I haven't figured out what they
mean or how to fix them.

Any suggestions?

Brad Mugleston, KI0OT

There are 10 types of people in this world.  Those that
understand binary and those that don't.

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