Fwd: LogWatch for ns1.ogdenmuseum.org

Bob McClure Jr robertmcclure at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 10 00:25:15 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 07:16:54AM -0800, Phil Glatz wrote:
> After a recent redhat 9 reinstall, my system messages log is filled with 
> entries like this, every five minutes:
> Jan  8 00:20:00 BAS-RedHat9-NOCP CROND[563]: (root) CMD 
> (/usr/local/sbin/fix_netstorage_route)

I don't know about that one.  To find out which RPM it belongs to, do

  rpm -qf /usr/local/sbin/fix_netstorage_route

Then to get an overview of it, do

  rpm -qi <name_of_RPM_without_version>

Now that I think about it, since it's in /usr/local/sbin, it's
probably not from an RPM.  But it is a cron job, so you can, as root

  crontab -l

and see if it's listed there.  Before you remove it, you may want to
see if there's a man page for it:

  man fix_netstorage_route

If you determine you have no use for it, you can

  crontab -e

to edit root's crontab and at least comment it out by putting a "#" at
the beginning of the line.  I'd do that until I knew I hadn't broken

Hint: When doing things like "crontab -e", it runs "vi" by default.
If you'd rather have it run some other editor (I prefer Emacs,
myself), you can (before you run "crontab -e"

  export EDITOR=emacs

or whatever your preferred is.

> Jan  8 00:20:00 BAS-RedHat9-NOCP CROND[568]: (root) CMD (/usr/bin/mrtg 
> /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg)

That is the Multiple Router Traffic Grapher.  You're probably not
interested in it unless you are a networking guru.  If it is run from
crontab, you can turn it off as above.  But, if not, look in
/etc/rc.d/init.d for either mrtg or mrtgd.  Let's suppose it's the
former.  You can turn it off with

  service mrtg stop

And to keep it from coming up again the next time you boot

  chkconfig mrtg off

And assuming it is part of the mrtg RPM, you can tear it off your
system with

  rpm -e mrtg

Bob McClure, Jr.             Bobcat Open Systems, Inc.
robertmcclure at earthlink.net  http://www.bobcatos.com
Wise men still seek Him.

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