brad.mugleston at comcast.net brad.mugleston at comcast.net
Tue Jan 11 23:46:02 UTC 2005

Everyone here has help me with this before and I've finally got 
the VPN part working (went back to Cisco and got a Linux upgrade 
of their client software).  So now I can VPN to work but now I 
need something to work through.   We are using Sunbelt Remote 
Administrator at work but it doesn't have a Linux version 
available (anyone know of a Sunbelt Remote Administrator 
compatable program?)

My other question is does anyone know of a good program that has 
both a WIndows and a Linux version I can get a copy of?  My 
version of Linux RH9 comes with Remote Desktop Connection.  It 
would be great to have a windows version of that.


Brad Mugleston, KI0OT

There are 10 types of people in this world.  Those that 
understand binary and those that don't.

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