development packages

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Fri Jan 14 02:15:44 UTC 2005

Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 19:07:17 -0600, Otto Haliburton
> <ottohaliburton at> wrote:
>>Mark, I don't know what you are doing, but I definitely did not experience
>>what you are going through when I installed fc2 or fc3. When you installed
>>you did the up2date thing I assume, and then I installed all of the packages
>>using the system thing.  So I don't know what is happening to you.
> I need to build ndiswrapper, or that's what I've done in the past.
> Maybe there's an RPM somewhere I should try installing. I'll look in
> the page you pointed me to a minute ago.
> However, and this has happened to me pretty much every time I've
> installed FC, is that I choose the Desktop installation to build the
> machine and it installs NO tools. I don't get gcc, automake, autoconf,
> etc., so I cannot build source and have to struggle through RPM to try
> and get the stuff I need. That's the state I'm in right now and trying
> to get beyond.

That's why you should either install everything or do a "custom"
install.  RH's concept of a "desktop" machine is pretty much a client development tools of any kind.

> It would be great if there was some macro command that said 'update
> this machine and give me the toolset required to build code', but
> there doesn't seem to be a way to do that AFAICT.

"custom" install, then make sure you include "development tools".

By the way, Mark, you'll need to tweak the kernel to make ndiswrapper
work with either the 724 or later kernels.  You must edit kernel/sched.c
and find the "task_nice" function.  After the last "}", you must add a
"EXPORT_SYMBOL(task_nice);" line.  You must then rebuild and replace the

Why the kernel guys don't export this symbol anymore is a good question.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-                      LOOK OUT!!! BEHIND YOU!!!                     -

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