smb mounts

Mark Knecht markknecht at
Wed Jan 26 20:10:18 UTC 2005

   OK, with lots of new FC machines around the house we're trying to
get a house wide music network set up. All the ogg/mp3 files reside on
a machine called dragonfly and we want to be able to play them from
any other machine. To do this I'm trying to get Samba to allow me to
mount that remote directory here on my local machine. However I'm not
successful yet.

[root at Godzilla root]# mount -t smbfs -o username=mark
\\\\dragonfly\\MusicLib /home/mark/music
Error connecting to (No route to host)
17455: Connection to dragonfly failed
SMB connection failed
[root at Godzilla root]#

[root at Godzilla root]# ping dragonfly
PING Dragonfly ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from Dragonfly ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.61 ms
64 bytes from Dragonfly ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.84 ms

I can ssh into dragonfly also, so it's not truly that it isn't there.

   What causes this? Does it mean that Samba isn't really sharing the
directory yet? How can I check this? Being simplistic I tried:

[root at Godzilla root]# smbclient //dragonfly/MusicLib
Error connecting to (No route to host)
Connection to dragonfly failed
[root at Godzilla root]#

but I'm not sure that's even right. The man page assumes a degree of
prior knowledge.

   What's the first trick I'm missing so that I might make some
forward progress?


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