A Challenge to Rick: a really weird .forward file.

Waldher, Travis R Travis.R.Waldher at boeing.com
Tue Mar 8 02:12:37 UTC 2005

Here's the deal... I have a .forward file as follows:

"|IFS=' '&&p=/usr/bin/procmail&&test -f $p&&exec $p -Yf-||exit 75

The catch is, this causes sendmail 8.12 to not work (bounces email back
as undeliverable), but is required by postfix on other systems to let
procmail do it's job.

Meaning, I have to have that line (or some form of it) but on the other
hand, I can't either.  Bad catch 22.

My biggest problem, I have NO idea what that line is doing and neither
does anyone I work with.

Also, can I add an algorithm so that when it's called, can it do nothing
if it's a sendmail based system, and execute that line if it's postfix?

Thanks in advance


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