How do I force Anaconda to not install a bootloader?

Brian Schau brian.schau at
Tue Mar 8 15:38:51 UTC 2005


Why doesn't kickstart honour the "bootloader --location=none" switch on
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 AS?

Background.  I have created a kickstart script which I will use to setup
a lot of servers.   The servers runs software raid (level 1) and LVM so
I cannot use the default anaconda way of installing a boot loader.

So I roll my own setup in the %post section of the kickstart script.
The setup have been tested and found to work.    I then supply the

    bootloader --location=none

switch in my kickstart script so that no bootloader is installed.

Yet, when I execute the kickstart installation, after the post phase,
I see a dialog stating, that the boot loader is installed.

When I reboot the server I end up in the grub shell.     If I manually
boot the server and check the anaconda-ks.cfg file I see:

    bootloader --location=partition

... which isn't what I asked for.

So - how do I tell anaconda _not_ to install a bootloader?

Kind regards,

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