accessing internet using ftp, ping or http

Pankaj Mandal pmandal at
Sun May 1 20:40:09 UTC 2005

I have a problem accessing the ftp, ping  from some machines (some 3 of
them) from a subnet.
I am told that the particular subnet has access restrictions which causes
ftp, ping etc to fail.
I have RHEL v3 installed on the machines. Is there a way I could use the
above protocols to access internet.
This is causing problem as I cannot download software directly to the
machine and configure it using tools provided
by many of those software. one example is CPAN modules.
Even linux updates I cannot get directly.
Within the intranet I am able to use all the protocols like ftp, ping, http
I hear there is some software that can overcome this restriction, although I
do not know what they are.
Please help.
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