APC Backup

Graeme Nichols gnichols at tpg.com.au
Fri May 13 05:05:50 UTC 2005

jludwig wrote:

>On Thursday 12 May 2005 01:32 am, Graeme Nichols wrote:
>>brad.mugleston at comcast.net wrote:
>>>Thanks - I'll wait.
>>Hello Brad, looks like this is too hard for the list. No one seems to
>>have an answer to any of the questions I have lately.  I must have B.O. :-)
>>I have managed to get the name of the device and driver required to get
>>this working on my FC3 system with my APC Back-UPS CS 500 USB UPS
>APC has/had a web site where they explain how to use their UPS systems with 
>I'd try Gooleling for it.
OK Thanks very much John.


Kind regards,


Two men came before Nasrudin when he was magistrate.  The first man said,
"This man has bitten my ear -- I demand compensation." The second man said,
"He bit it himself." Nasrudin withdrew to his chambers, and spent an hour
trying to bite his own ear.  He succeeded only in falling over and bruising
his forehead.  Returning to the courtroom, Nasrudin pronounced, "Examine the
man whose ear was bitten. If his forehead is bruised, he did it himself and
the case is dismissed.  If his forehead is not bruised, the other man did it
and must pay three silver pieces."

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