User name and Pass word won't let me boot redhat 8

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Wed Nov 16 17:54:33 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-15 at 20:24 -0800, Sam Duvall wrote:
> I have red hat 8 installed and when I start it up it
> gets
> as far as a logon screen that wants a username and
> password for localhost/local????? I didn't have a
> password for my home network so I don't know how to
> get past that. Is there any way to disable it. It is
> installed as a personal computer on a home network
> useing 
> XP for the lead computer.

The password it wants is the username and password for that node.  Since
you don't have DNS set up and haven't set up the node name, then it's
asking for localhost (the default name for the machine).

You can log in as "root" using the password you set up for root when
you installed the system.  If you set up any additional users when you
installed, you can use those usernames and passwords as well.

BTW, Sam, RH8 is TRULY ancient (over four years old), and IMHO one
release that Red Hat should NEVER have let out of the box (it's awful).
If you want a free Red Hat release, you really have to go to one of the
Fedora Core releases.  The latest is Fedora Core 4 and it works quite

- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-                 All generalizations are false.                     -

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