Starting on bootup

mylar micros50 at
Sat Sep 3 04:38:17 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-09-02 at 15:59, jim ruxton wrote:
> I'm using Fedora 3 and was wondering how I can have a computer boot up
> on powerup without asking for username and password.

Most computers automatically boot on powerup unless there is some sort
of issue and the machine jumps into setup or if the operating system
croaks and requires under intervention/repair. Otherwise the machine
boots up on powerup and and daemons set  to run will start and run as
the machine enters it's  normal runlevel.. You only need user name and
password if you want to log  in to an interactive session. 

>  Also where can I
> put commands to start a program automatically once the computer boots
> up. Thanks.
> Jim

You mean like you want to power the machine and have the computer boot
up some program like say a web server, mail server or some
daemon/application. The easies way is to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local and
put the commands for whatever you want  started  in there. Or, if  you
know/learn how to use SysV init you can generate the appropriate files 
& links for the various runlevels and the program(s) will start/stop
automatically as the machine enters/exits the desired run level.



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