FC4 Install breaking FSTAB File - NOT SWAP GARBAGE BUG

Edward.D.Kramer at wellsfargo.com Edward.D.Kramer at wellsfargo.com
Mon Sep 26 23:09:09 UTC 2005

I have been using RH9 for years and decided to make the jump to FC4 and
so far Im very disappointed.  I ran into the SWAP garbage bug and was
able to get into resucue mode and clean up this line within the fstab
file.  However, during my install I had created several partions, /,
/boot, /home, /opt.  The / and /boot lines seem fine to be fine but the
/home and /opt partitions were throwing invalid line errors.  I removed
the lines and boom it started right up.  Now the problem is that, Im
missing the disk space that I partitioned for, and I have attempted to
remap the partitions in the mtab file and made the corresponding updates
in the fstab file.  Boom Im still getting invalid line errors on in my
fstab.  I can see the HAD partions have been created, I have tried
mapping these in mtab file labeling it to /home, then using the
following line FSTAB.   


Fstab entry

LABEL=/home            /home                   ext3    defaults 1 2



Any thoughts on what Im doing wrong?  Or is there some funky bug with
the installer on partitions other than root and boot with FC4?  







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