files/partitions question

Mark Knecht markknecht at
Tue Sep 27 17:01:56 UTC 2005

   Probably a simple question for some wily old-timer. ;-)

   I have a system in which the root partition seems to be getting a
bit full. It got up to about 96% full and I've cleared some things
out, but now I want to understand what's still there and using up 8GB.

dragonfly / # df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda8              9621848   8121392   1011680  89% /
udev                    249524       360    249164   1% /dev
/dev/hda2             50394996  47146084    688956  99% /Musiclib
/dev/hda3             30233928   1792032  26906084   7% /home
/dev/hda9              9621848   2726716   6406356  30% /CODE
/dev/hda10             2893628    405328   2341308  15% /var
none                    249524         0    249524   0% /dev/shm
myth14:/video        225373664 110171552 103753792  52% /video
dragonfly / #

  From the du man page it seems that I should be able to run du -x and
only get the usage of the specific drive and not the partitions that
are on other drives, so I try it:

dragonfly / # du -x /
16      /lost+found
4       /boot
5392    /bin
0       /dev
7964    /root
4       /Froot
12      /Musiclib
8       /service
8       /video
4       /video1
3526456 /
dragonfly / #

   Indeed, this command does not appear to traverse other drives. I do
not see /var, /home, etc., but when it's finished it says that only
3.5 GB are used while the df command tells me 8.1GB is used. Which is

   As a bonus question, if I know the name of a file and want to know
what drive it's on, how can I do that at the command line? I'd most
like a command that reports back file so-and-so resides on /dev/hda11
if possible.


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