dovecot services problem

fta7wmt at fta7wmt at
Tue Apr 25 01:59:32 UTC 2006

Dear Rick
Thank you for your reply
I try to restrict the pop3 services with your suggestion.
I can block the service by iptables, but I cannot ensure the hosts.deny is work on restrict the pop3 services.
After I configure the hosts.deny and I try to telnet ip 110, I still can access the POP3 services. 
How can I test the pop3 service with hosts.deny ?

On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 17:35 +0800, lstar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to block the pop3 services.
> In dovecot configuration, I modify the statement 'protocol pop3 pop3s
> imap imaps'

Did you disable pop3 and pop3s in your dovecot config?

> After restart the service, I use nmap to deterfine which port is open.
> I found that port 110,143,993 and 995 also open.

Yes, port 110 is POP3, and 995 is POP3S.  143 is IMAP and 993 is IMAPS.

> If i need to restrict some domain cannot access pop3 services, I
> should set the iptables to block all above ports.
> Or I only need to block 110 port that 's ok
> On the other hand, if i want to use tcp wrapper to block pop3 services
> for some of domain , how can i modify the host.deny

You can do either.  If you want to block POP3 access, you can add lines

	-A INPUT -s 0/0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 110 -j DROP
	-A INPUT -s 0/0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 995 -j DROP

to /etc/sysconfig/iptables to block POP3/POP3S access, or you can use

	pop3 : ALL
	pop3s : ALL

to /etc/hosts.deny.

Personally, I prefer an iptables solution.  It's implemented in the IP
stack--not userspace--and it will block access even if a given
application was NOT built with tcpwrappers support.  The "DROP" option
is also nice since the machine won't respond with an "access denied" simply throws the probes in the bit bucket.

- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-      Do you know how to save five drowning lawyers?  No?  GOOD!    -

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