httpd and dovecot service start fails

Jeff Kinz jkinz at
Mon Feb 6 02:43:18 UTC 2006

On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 05:41:55PM -0500, mylar wrote:
> Whats  up with this ?? Are the control scripts now located in
> "/sbin/service" and no longer in "/etc/rc.d/init.d" ??

Look at it: /sbin/service is just a script that runs the scripts
in "/etc/rc.d/init.d".

Nothings been moved, just another level of indirection (a layer)
and some nicer semi-englishized vocabulary

To shorten the typing even more you can add this script to your system:

######### CUT HERE #####################

if [ "x$DEBUG" = "xT" ] ; then
	set -vx

name=`basename $0`

if  [ $# -ne 1 ] ; then
	echo "${action}s the named service"
	echo "Usage: $name <service name>"
/sbin/service $1 $action
######### CUT HERE #####################

Make symbolic links to it named: sstatus, sstop, srestart and sstart

Then just say "sstart <service name>" or "sstop <service name>" etc..

Example: sstart sendmail  = "service sendmail stop"

Does is save a lot of typing? No, but it was a fun way to demonstrate
Bash shell variable munging

"Go Pats!" ... What? ....oh.    Never mind. 

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
speech recognition software may have been used to create this e-mail

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