Basic command line input

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Wed Jan 18 17:19:00 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 13:07 -0800, Albus Dumbledore wrote:
> 	I am trying to learn to run RHW3 from the command line. So far I have
> had limited success, I am sure it is because I am making some sort of
> basic error.
> 	I start by right clicking on the desktop and selecting "New Terminal"
> from the pop up window that appearers. I have selected the command
> "fsck" to try because it seem harmless if it goes arry.  It doesn't work
> but it does return the following error message.
> [albus at localhost albus]$ fsck -C
> bash: fsck: command not found
> [albus at localhost albus]$
> What am I doing wrong?

Certain commands (fsck being one of them) can only be run by the root
user.  The prompt you display above, "[albus at localhost albus]", breaks
down as this:

	albus at localhost means you're logged in as the user "albus" on
	the machine called "localhost"

	albus means you're in albus' home directory.

albus is NOT the root user, so many commands are not available to him.

BTW, "fsck" is not an innocuous command.  First, you should only run
it on unmounted filesystems.

- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-        Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.        -

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