Named configuration

Scott Becker scottb at
Thu May 4 16:50:52 UTC 2006

I'm trying to configure a secondary dns server. I've got the zone 
transfer authorized but get a local permission error:

May  3 17:27:14 www2 named[915]: dumping master file: tmp-XXXXlUMGRj: 
open: permission denied
May  3 17:27:14 www2 named[915]: transfer of '' from failed while receiving responses: permission denied
May  3 17:27:14 www2 named[915]: transfer of '' from end of transfer

I'm running RHEL4 ES and the bind install uses a chroot. I'm unfamiliar 
with this chroot configuration and I've never setup a slave before.
It seems that named should be using /var/named/chroot/var/tmp for it's 
tmp files. This folder is owned by named:

drwxrwx---  2 named named 4096 Mar 13  2003 tmp

and should not generate this error. I suspect that named is trying to 
use a different tmp folder but the error messages doesn't show the full 
path. Any help debugging this would be appreciated. I can't experiment 
freely because it's also a production server. Can named be told to be 
more verbose?

    Scott Becker
    Builders Exchange of Washington

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