Install fails during installation of rpmdb-redhat-4-0.20060803

John Powell powellj at
Thu Oct 5 22:51:28 UTC 2006


So I have given up on the cd install method. It just aint workin for me. 
I have setup a ftp server and have attempted to install several times 
and so far no luck.. I do get past the rpmdb package but now I get the 
same error while installing the python package. I have since downloaded 
and replaced the python rpm on the ftp server and tried again... still 
the same error. I don't understand what is going on! The python rpm was 
downloaded from rhn and the md5 sum is correct. In addition the binary 
compare of the original (from the ISO) and the downloaded package from 
RHN are identical!

ARGH!!!!! So frustrating! Please someone help!

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