Seeking Java install clarifications and insight

Velpi velpi at
Mon Mar 26 06:57:32 UTC 2007

> Why is the installation of Sun's Java so complicated?

It's not: use the RHEL RPM from Sun. Afterwards do
$ rm /usr/bin/java
$ ln -s /usr/java/bin/java /usr/bin/java

This should make upgrading easy using Sun's distributed package. It also 
provides a clear way of versioning on your disk (symlinks in /usr/java/ 
to latest and default installs).

> Why doesn't the normal path of install with yum and run work?

It's not in the official repository. Maybe there is a repo that provides 
it (or will provide it soon).

| Jan "Velpi" Van der Velpen
| Velpi at || +32 (0) 498 61 24 89

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