Apache Seems to Hang

Jeff Kinz jkinz at kinz.org
Mon Aug 11 19:33:15 UTC 2008

On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 11:42:10AM -0600, Karl Pearson wrote:
> I am having some issues with Apache on my server. It just seems to hang
> forever some times. I found this article:
> http://sitening.com/blog/2006/02/03/apache-hangs-due-to-lack-of-entropy/
> and read the linked article, but my hardware doesn't support hw_random so I
> can't use that solution.
> I did:
> # service random restart
> and now Apache seems to be working faster, but it could be a fluke because
> sometimes it just works okay, and other times it doesn't.
> Any info or insight would be greatly appreciated. I've thought of just adding
> a cron job that restarts random every 30 minutes or so...

Karl - Without the hardware support I you have found the a good

PS- regarding your 911 page - I worked on an NSA contract in 1985 or so
- guess what story one of the old timers told me? :-) 

The US govt (The NSA) has known how to use commercial aircraft to take out
skyscrapers for decades. They even know how to change the planes
configurations to make it impossible. Simply don't have any door between
the cockpit and the passenger compartment. The crew cabin gets its own 
exterior door.  Lot cheaper then funding DHS and the air marshals too. 

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