problem installing Fedora 8

Rick Stevens ricks at
Tue Aug 25 00:44:27 UTC 2009

Buz Davis wrote:
>  >That sounds like the classic "I can't find enough disk" anaconda error.
>  >Unless you do an "update existing system" (NOT recommended when making
>  >as big a jump as you are) or "replace existing system" install (where
>  >anaconda blows the old Linux partitions away and starts over), anaconda
>  >wants "unused" disk space (space not in any used partition).
> Thanks, Rick.
> As I recall I do have extra space available on the disk that hasn't been 
> assigned to any partition.  Would it help to make another partition of 
> it ?  If so, would I have to also make a filesystem or would anaconda
> prefer it unformatted ?

You have to make sure that "unassigned" space is big enough to hold the
system and you'll have to have at least two partitions available in the
table--one for "boot" and one for the root of the OS (you can only have
16 partitions).

I can't recall how big the space needed is offhand, but it's in the F11
(Fedora 11) release notes available online.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks at -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
-                                                                    -
-                   To err is human, to moo bovine.                  -

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