Fix for kickstart with RAID+LVM partitions

Harry Hoffman hhoffman at
Sat Apr 10 02:32:36 UTC 2004

Hi All,

Sorry if this message isn't appropriate but I was hoping to help as many ppl as
possible since google didn't show, me, anything and redhat's kickstart (rh-9)
failed each time.

Here's the situation:
You've build a redhat system with a RAID'ed LVM partition and are now using the
anaconda-ks file as a kickstart config (and probably similar situations)

In the redhat anaconda-ks file you filesystem looks somewhat like this:

#clearpart --all --initlabel
#part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=200 --ondisk=hda --asprimary
#part raid.100001 --size=5000 --ondisk=hdc
#part raid.100000 --size=5000 --ondisk=hda
#part raid.100005 --size=2000 --ondisk=hdc
#part raid.100004 --size=2000 --ondisk=hda
#part raid.100003 --size=512 --ondisk=hdc
#part raid.100002 --size=512 --ondisk=hda
#part /boot2 --fstype ext3 --size=200 --ondisk=hdc --asprimary
#part raid.100007 --size=100 --grow --ondisk=hdc
#part raid.100006 --size=100 --grow --ondisk=hda
#raid / --fstype ext3 --level=RAID1 raid.100000 raid.100001
#raid swap --fstype swap --level=RAID0 raid.100002 raid.100003
#raid pv.100008 --fstype physical volume (LVM) --level=RAID1 raid.100006 raid.100007
#raid /var --fstype ext3 --level=RAID1 raid.100004 raid.100005
#volgroup Volume00 pv.100008
#logvol /srv --fstype ext3 --name=LogVol00 --vgname=Volume00 --size=50924

The interesting (and fatal) line is:
#raid pv.100008 --fstype physical volume (LVM) --level=RAID1 raid.100006 

By removing the "--fstype" modifier the installer will work properly. So this
line should now like like:
raid pv.1000008 --level=RAID1 raid.100006

>From here you system will install correctly and you will have a properly RAID'ed
LVM partition.

Please let me know if you have any ?'s or comments. I'll do a writeup and post
it on my site.


Harry Hoffman
hhoffman at
November 2, 2004: National Bush trimming day

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