init.d shutdown problem (h e l p . . .)

Dave Iler ilerd at
Thu Apr 22 19:07:33 UTC 2004

I've been working on this for three of four days and I'm reaching the 
end of my rope.

I have a script that I created in /etc/init.d that is managed by 
chkconfig.  It will properly startup up an Oracle database when the 
machine boots, but it does not execute to stop when moving to runlevels 

My understanding is that when Linux moves to a new run level that it 
first executes all of the K scripts in the appropriate rc?.d directory 
for the new run level, then it executes all of the S scripts in that 
directory.  Yes, I know they are actually links to scripts in the 
/etc/init.d directory.


It works fine from the command line.
    /etc/init.d/suuce10 start
    /etc/init.d/suuce10 stop

This works too, all without error.
    service suuce10 start
    service suuce10 stop

I have a link (/etc/rc1.d/K05suuce10).  This works without complaint.
    /etc/rc1.d/K05suuce10 start
    /etc/rc1.d/K05suuce10 stop

When I do an "init 1" the system goes into single user mode.  A "ps -ef 
| grep '[o]ra_smon'" shows that the Oracle instance is still running.  
So too is the listener.  No, there is no /ect/rc1.d/S??suuce10.  So my 
/etc/rc1.K05suuce10 script did NOT execute on the way down to single 
user mode.  X-windows stopped fine.

suuce10 shows up in the service configuration gui, and is checked.

I am running Redhat Enterprise 3 AS, Update 1, with all the latest patches.

It is running on a Dell Optiplex G-270 with 2GB of RAM and (2) 120GB 
SATA disk drives.

/etc/init.d/suuce10 is owned by root.root.  Protection is 755.

My frequently modified script looks like this, chkconfig listing follows it:

# chkconfig: 35 99 05
# description: SUU startup.


# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
usage ()
        echo "Usage: service $prog {start|stop|restart}"
start ()
        if ps -fU oracle | grep '[o]ra_smon_CEcms' > /dev/null; then
        echo -n $"Starting suuce10: "
        su - oracle -c '/home/oracle/bin/cecms start'
        su - oracle -c '/home/oracle/bin/oralistener start'
stop ()
        if ! ps -fU oracle | grep '[o]ra_smon_CEcms' > /dev/null; then
        echo -n $"Stopping suuce10: "
        su - oracle -c '/home/oracle/bin/cecms stop'
        su - oracle -c '/home/oracle/bin/oralistener stop'
restart ()
case "$1" in

Here's my chkconfig listing:

[root at nomad init.d]#
[root at nomad init.d]# chkconfig --list suuce10

suuce10         0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:on    6:off

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