set up account/group with limited access

bruce bedouglas at
Mon Aug 23 15:53:16 UTC 2004


i want to setup a group/user to have limited access to a box. basically, i
want to give a user the ability to login to the system, but not be able to
do anything. ie, i don't want the user to be able to read/write/execute
anything other than login to the system.

i'd like to setup a group, if possible, that is configured with these
restrictions. i'd then like to be able to have each user belong to this
group, thereby having the restrictions that i mentioned...

any ideas/thoughts on how i would/should go about doiing this??

in case you're wondering why i'd need this,  i'm using puTTY to allow users
to access a website on a server, but i want to restrict access to users via
logging into the website, as well as via a cheap tunnel to the server via
puTTY. this should give me a realtively cheap/reasonably secure process for
users accessing the site..

thanks for any comments/pointers/etc...

i'm using rh8.0


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