yum update on RH 9

Barry Gamblin bgamblin at hao.ucar.edu
Thu Dec 2 21:50:04 UTC 2004

|> I'm trying to setup "yum update" on RH 9 using the directions on 
|> http://fedoralegacy.org/docs/yum-rh9.php
|> AFAI can tell I have imported the correct keys but I still get 
|> an error "Could not find the GPG key necessary to validate package 
|> noarch.rpm"
|> I've run yum clean like it tells me to do, but I continue to get 
|> the error.
|> Ideas?
|> Thanks, Barry

Fixed my problem. I was using the original /etc/yum.conf right out of 
the rpm. Once I set it up like the web page says to it worked fine.


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