(no subject)

Carlos Antonio Gomez cgomez at ceis.cujae.edu.cu
Mon Jul 12 19:19:40 UTC 2004

I have a server with RedHatAS3 that to me remains frizado, is to say all the demons die and is working at level of kernel.  It give ping and responds him and if him exempt the network card informs it by console, you put it and happens the same.  I already have been with that problem almost 4 months and in you complete 3 times that past are to him, 2 of them went with a mail to the lists (postfix + mailman), and when this is going to make same a delivery local remains, again that fundio, was despues to execute cron and to rotate log, this went to the 4:00 A.M. when habia I do not deal some.  Hardware:  MB:  MX4GE Micro:  Intel 2,8 Memory:  512 DDR 

Greetings and Thanks

 "Para ser exitoso no tienes que hacer 
   cosas  extraordinarias. Haz cosas 
   ordinarias extraordinariamente bien"
  Carlos Antonio  Gómez Brizuela.
  Administrador de la RED del  CEIS
  Estudiante de Informática.
  cgomez_81 at hotmail.com
  ICQ # 192486535


Aniversario 40 de la CUJAE
XII Convencion de Ingenieria y Arquitectura

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